August 27, 2024

Registration will be opening soon! We are looking forward to seeing you all again in the pool!

Please read this ENTIRE email as there is some important information and changes from last year for registering:

1. Pre-registration for returning members is opening on September 2nd at 8:00 am and closing on September 16th at 8:00 am. Unless your coach at the end of last year recommended you move up a level, register in the same level as the previous year.  Coaches will be assessing athletes in the first couple weeks and may move athletes as needed so they are registered in the appropriate roster for their swim level.

2. Swimmers new to the club are required to be assessed before registering. Due to the pool being closed Sept 1-15, this will take  place at 5:30 pm on September 17th. Please send Jacklynn, the Registrar, an email at bvottersregi@gmail.com, so she can provide the coach with a list of athletes planning to attend. Registration for new swimmers is open September 17th at 8:00 pm and closing September 23rd at 8:00 am.

3. The first session for Bronze, Silver/Gold swimmers is September 24th. The first session for Novice and ALL new swimmers to the club is October 1st to ensure Swim Canada insurance is complete.

4. You can register for Otters on our website at https://bvosc.poolq.net/program-info/bv-ottersPLEASE NOTE that registration is a two step process. Once you have registered on the website, you will receive an email from Swim Canada within a week of closing registration. If you do not receive this, check your spam, or if needed contact the Registrar to get the email resent. You MUST complete the registration on this email to be fully registered, so your athlete is insured and allowed in the pool. THOSE ATHLETES THAT HAVE NOT FULLY REGISTERED, WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE POOL UNTIL IT IS COMPLETED.

5. Parent volunteering is essential to the success of the club. When you register your athlete, you must sign up for 3 parent ambassador volunteering slots at https://bvosc.poolq.net/event/fall-session-parent-ambassador. All other volunteer opportunities will be communicated to members as they arise. PLEASE NOTE there is a volunteer deposit this year. All members must bring their $100 post-dated cheque to the first session.

A board member will be on site for the first two weeks of sessions, to answer any questions you may have, to collect volunteer cheques, and to sign in and check that each athlete is fully registered before allowing them in the pool. 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Any registration questions can be directed  to Jacklynn, our Registrar, at bvottersregi@gmail.com.

See you all in the pool!

BVOSC Executive